Common questions
Regarding translation and interpreting
No. Translation requires skills that are acquired through training and experience. Other innate abilities are also needed such as creativity, cultural sensitivity and attention to detail. It is unlikely that a person who speaks various languages will translate well if they lack the appropriate training and experience.
Translations involve working with texts (literary, commercial, legal, financial, etc.) and interpreting with spoken language. For the latter, professionals can interpret either consecutively or simultaneously in conferences, tribunals and at events, to overcome language barriers. To work as an interpreter you need to be outgoing, have a good memory and be an accomplished public speaker, characteristics that are not necessary for a translator.
Usually translators only translate into their mother tongue. This is the language we know best and are most fluent in given that we learn it from birth and know how to handle all its nuances. This is why the outcome of a translation will never be as good if it is translated into a second language and not the mother tongue.
A good translation must be faithful to the original text and transmit all its content in a clear and natural way. It must also use the correct terminology and pay attention to details (spelling, syntax, expression, etc.). Most importantly, it should always convey the essence of the text.
All the information that the client gives to the translator is useful and helps improve the quality of the translation. Knowing what is the text’s objective, who wrote it and to which audience it is aimed at (age, profession, origin, etc.) are some details that help the translator to enhance the result.
I need a translator, what do I do?
Each translator tends to have their field of expertise. For this reason, depending on the subject matter of the document, it is preferable to choose one translator over another. The best guarantee is using a translator who has proven experience in the specific sector. Send us your text and Lema Translators will choose the best professional for your project.
Always look for a professional translator with proven skill and experience, like ours. Send us your text and we will give you a no obligation quote. We will also give you a delivery date.
To prepare our quotes, we take into account the subject of a text, its length and word count and the deadline as stipulated by the client. We will send you a no obligation quote, so you can contact us and we will help you with the entire process.
Translations are usually paid for by bank transfer once the quote has been approved. Get in touch with us and we will help you with any questions you may have regarding this.
Translations are usually sent by email. They also can be delivered as a hard or digital copy (CD, USB, etc.). The last option will carry a small charge.
Every language: we have a network of native bilingual translators of nearly every nationality.
Every sector: our team is formed of experts from every specialist field.
I need an interpreter. What should I do?
Every interpreter has their field of expertise. For this reason, the topic of the event will determine which interpreter is best suited. Get in touch with Lema Translators and we will choose the best interpreter or team of interpreters for your project.
To prepare our interpreting quotes we take into account various factors: the topic of the event, its length and structure, as well as the type of interpreting needed, the number of interpreters, assistants, etc. We will send you a no obligation quote, so get in touch with us and we will help you to decide.
Interpreting is usually paid for via bank transfer once the quote has been approved. Get in touch with us to answer any questions you may have regarding this.
According to the type of meeting, presentation, congress or event, you will need a specific form of interpreting, given that they vary and offer different advantages. The main ones are described here: INTERPRETING. They are: consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, whispered interpreting or chuchotage, legal interpreting or media interpreting. Tell us what you need and we will give you a no obligation quote for interpreting, in which we will outline the different possible options and their cost.